DeprecationWarnings on compile
To reproduce, run python -W always -m compileall -f dbus/
[jayman@Jason-Desktop-Linux dbus-python]$ python -W always -m compileall -f dbus/
Listing 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
dbus/ DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \
"""Arrange for the given function to be called when a signal matching
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Listing 'dbus/mainloop'...
Compiling 'dbus/mainloop/'...
Compiling 'dbus/mainloop/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
dbus/ DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \
"""Arrange for the given function to be called when the given signal
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
Compiling 'dbus/'...
[jayman@Jason-Desktop-Linux dbus-python]$