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 * Rework the discovery mechanisms for AD and IPA [#62863 #63907 #63907]
 * Allow specifying of servers for discovery and join [#63907]
 * Option to disable use of fully qualified names [#60637]
 * Option to disable automatic package installs [#61215]
 * Option for turning on realmd debugging [#61219]
 * Option for 'manage-system' [#61858]
 * Option to turn off automatic id mapping [#60679]
 * Option for creating user principal on computer account [#62755]
 * Options for setting OS name and version [#54489]
 * On failure print out journal command [#63739]
 * When realm is not joinable say so [#63631]
 * Handle IPA bad password error code [#63738]
 * Work around samba bug which requires LOGNAME envvar [#63956]
 * Use allow-realm-logins by default if manage-system [#61858]
 * Temp file handling fixes [#63910]
 * Don't set sssd.conf parameters to defaults [#62519]
 * Remove empty keytab if all entries have been flushed [#56029]
 * Support for using kerberos credential cache to join [#56022]
 * Refactor internals [#63434 #63906]