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dependency_graph: add source dir deps

Mark Janes requested to merge majanes/mesa_ci:dep_graph into master

SKQP requires many extra repositories in the 3rdparty bin. We cannot access these external references within the build system. Our repo specification code is already a bottleneck, so we cannot add the repositories under the current design.

Fetching sources will be a 2 step process:

  • for the build target, determine the set of source projects. These are the revisions that are tracked as part of build configuration.

  • after the projects are configured to the tracked revisions, iterate the projects to determine which commits are required from untracked projects. More than one commit can be returned for a project (if vulkancts and skqp require separate spirv headers).

    • note that a change to a tracked project revision (eg vulkancts) may trigger a change to the required untracked project (eg vulkancts/external/glslang, via a new
  • build automation in each project will clone {tracked_project}/external/{untracked_project} from repos/{untracked_project} and set the binned 3rd party sources to the appropriate revision.

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