[th/nmci-process-run-code] nmci.process: add nmci.process.run_code() helper
I guess, there could be cases where we are not interested
in the output (nmci.process.run_check()
), but in the returncode.
Add a wrapper that only gives the return code and throws away stdout. With this you could do
if nmci.process.run_code("grep foo < file", shell=True): pass
But don't misuse that as
if nmci.process.run_code("command | grep foo", shell=True): pass
because that would not catch an error code from "command". Better do
stdout = nmci.process.run_code("command")
if re.match("foo", stdout): pass
which does strict checking that command succeeds and does not need two other processes (a shell and grep) to do a simple pattern matching.
Don't misused this.
Btw, if you find to do above frequently, add the following to nmci/process.c
def run_match_stdout(argv, pattern, *, shell=False, timeout=5, pattern_flags=0):
stdout = run_code(argv, as_bytes=isinstance(patter, bytes), shell=shell, timeout=timeout)
return re.match(pattern, stdout, flags=pattern_flags)