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Engine: improve prop_list syntax

Koala Yeung requested to merge feat/ibus-property-dict into main
  • Add IBusPropList for accessing IBus.Property in IBus.PropList eaiser. Make possible for property updates (i.e. icon_prop_key support) in the future.

  • Add IBusProperty to augment the access of sub_props with IBusPropList while proxy access to IBus.Property with getters and setters.

  • "icon_prop_key" is the iBus 1.5+ way to modify label shown on the top bar / bottom bar. It is a new value in iBus component's XML (under <engine>), which should specify the key of a IBus.Property inside the IBus.PropList registered by Engine.register_properties.

    If I read things right, the property's "symbol" will determine the the label of the top bar. Input engine can dynamically modify that through changing the IBus.Property after registration.

    This makes room for the label to indicate the input method status (e.g. Chinese / English input mode) in the future.

  • The baseline is the new class cleans up the syntax.

Edited by Koala Yeung

Merge request reports