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Input mode switch and indicator

Koala Yeung requested to merge feat/direct-input-mode-and-indicator into main

Experimental input mode switch. Allow users to type both Chinese and English. User can switch between Chinese input mode and English (a.k.a. Direct input / 英數) just by toggling / pressing SHIFT.

Fix #87 (closed)

Fix #59 (closed)

User Experience Design

Based mostly on older version of Windows system:

  • In Chinese input mode (implicit) by default.
  • Can switch to-and-from English input mode (英數), a.k.a. pass through mode, by either the top menu toggle or SHIFT button.
  • The SHIFT button hot key is only triggered if only the SHIFT key is pressed an released. Prevent messing behaviour of other SHIFT+ situation.
  • When toggled to English input mode, input engine stop processing any of the input and pass through to normal keyboard handling.
  • Half-width / Full-width character mode only has effect in Chinese input mode.
  • Top symbol signify both the input mode and the Half-width / Full-width character mode.

User Interface

Input Method English Input Mode Chinese Input Mode (Half-width chars) Chinese Input Mode (Full-width chars)
倉頡 Cangjie Screenshot_from_2024-08-11_16-24-00 Screenshot_from_2024-08-11_16-23-39 Screenshot_from_2024-08-11_16-23-52
速成 Quick Screenshot_from_2024-08-11_16-53-14 Screenshot_from_2024-08-11_16-53-28 Screenshot_from_2024-08-11_16-53-22

(UI pending translation)

Edited by Koala Yeung

Merge request reports