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BO properties / madvise

Matthew Brost requested to merge (removed):bo_props into xe

Built on top of main USM series, here we are interested in only the last 4 patches.

Quite a few questions here:

  1. Do we think the user being able to control the TTM BO priority is a good idea?
  2. Do we think allowing an elevated user to pin a BO is a good idea? NIY, but have uAPI / stubs for this.
  3. Do we want to allow BO properties to be dynamically changed or only be allowed to be set at BO creation? At creation is current implementation, pretty trivial to change to allow dynamic changing.
  4. Do we think BO memory hints (current implementation) vs. virtual address range hints (i915 implementation) is a good idea? We have already discussion this a bit on a email thread and to summarize @oak feels virtual address range is the way to go. Easy enough to go this direction if we want.

@thomash @oak @welty @jbloomfi for your input. Likely need some UMD input on bullet point 4 too. Not sure who we should loop in for that.

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