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vis: Figure out good UX for caching the test filter

Bhanuprakash Modem requested to merge bmodem/i915-infra:issue43 into master

Add a (x) to reset the value: As the firefox browser won't support a clear button for input type "search", we need to add a CSS button to reset the value of text field. Also, add a JS function to clear the test result.

Make persistence optional (checkbox?): Local storage is used to store the filter while navigating around and re-visiting the webpage. This patch will provide the option to enable/disable the local storage.

Make filter more visible: Split the test case into an array and update the background-color of the canvas if the array string matches to testfilter.

This Fixes: #43

Signed-off-by: Bhanuprakash Modem

Edited by Ewelina Musiał

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