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d3d11decoder: Add support for array of texture DPB

DXVA supports two kinds of texture structure for DPB, one is "1) texture array" and the other is "2) array of texture".

  1. is a type of texture which is single ID3D11Texture2D object having ArraySize greater than one. So the ID3D11Texture2D itself is a set of texture. Each sub texture of this type mush have identical resolution, format and so on, and the number of sub texture in a texture array is fixed.

  2. is an array of usual ID3D11Texture2D object. That means each ID3D11Texture2D is independent each other and might have different resolution as well. Moreover, we can modify the number of frames of the array dynamically. This type is more flexible than "1) texture array" in terms of dynamic behavior and also this type of texture can be used for shader resource view but "1) texture array" couldn't be.

If "2) array of texture" is supported by driver, DXVA spec is saying that it's preferred format over "1) texture array" in terms of performance.

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