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.NET Core 3 project and samples

Vlad Kolesnikov requested to merge vladkol/gstreamer-sharp:netcore31 into master

.NET Core 3 project made possible with the following changes:

  1. [Added] gstreamer-sharp-netcore3.csproj C# project file
  2. [Added] sources/custom/netcore3/* with a few files specific to .NET Core:
    • NativeLibMapping.cs - DllImport resolver that leverages new NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver and .dll.config mapping xml.
    • MapInfoExt.cs - an extension to avoid extra memory copy when working with IntPtr destinations
    • PadTemplate.cs - modified version of the original generated PadTemplate.cs. The difference is very small, but it's better to avoid making changes in generated files.
  3. [Changed] A change in sources/custom/Application.cs (in static constructor) - to make NativeLibMapping work.
  4. [Added] A couple of .NET Core 3 samples including a simple video player built with Avalonia UI.

Merge request reports
