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  • Tom Denis's avatar
    Big database refactor · cf4fd33a
    Tom Denis authored
    This patch replaces the C compileable database of registers, bits,
    IP, and ASIC models with scriptable human readable content.  The purpose
    of this change is to make handling NPI/NTI in the future more manageable.
    The patch first introduces a new compiler comp/compiler.c that handles
    all register/bitfield and SOC15 ip offset headers.  Both for soc15 and
    pre-soc15 headers.
    Then introduce the database/{*,ip/*} content parsed from the drm-next
    tree as of the time of this writing.
    Then delete src/lib/ip and src/lib/asic as they're now obsolete.
    Then change src/lib/discover* to support the new database API.
    The CMake install scripts have been updated to install the database
    to "../share/umr/database/" relative to where it installs the binaries.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTom St Denis <>