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test: add support for pytesting BPF programs

Peter Hutterer requested to merge whot/udev-hid-bpf:wip/pytest into main

This allows us to write fairly simple tests for our functionality.


  • recompile each bpf.c into a
  • provide a ctypes wrapper and some accessors around that .so file
  • write tests to verify the bpf does the right thing given some data
  • run pytest
  • ???
  • profit

Example test for the invert-mouse BPF that we have in userhacks:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("source", ["10-mouse_invert_y"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("y", [1, -1, 10, -256])
def test_event_userhacks_invert(bpf, y):
    # this device has reports of size 9
    values = (0, 0, 0, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    report = struct.pack("<3bh5b", *values)

    values = bpf.hid_bpf_device_event("hid_y_event", report=report)
    values = struct.unpack("<3bh5b", values)
    y_out = values[3]
    assert y_out == -y

Where source is used by the bpf fixture t load the right .so file.

We then compose a report, pass that to the given-by-name hid_bpf_device_event hook and compare the data we got.

Merge request reports