Draft: Save long term keyframes
Remaining items (all marked in code as TODO@mateosss
Improve dyncast msg -
Pointer output queues in optical flow -
Load map button -
Remove keyframeposes on marg -
Decide next_lmid -
Decide next_kfid -
Decide frame_count -
Decide whether to keep debug matrices of before and after addZeroKeyframeToMargData -
Use binary instead of json? ubjson maybe? -
Generalize last bit of types: -
load: add to LandmarkDatabaseBase: numLandmarks, getKeyframeIds, getLandmarkIds, assignNewIds -
load: add to PatchesContainerBase: assignNewIds -
save: getLongTermKeyframesSubMap to return a LandmarkDatabaseBase::Ptr? careful with refcounting -
save: add to LandmarkDatabaseBase.getLongTermKeyframesSubMap to return a LandmarkDatabaseBase::Ptr? careful with refcounting -
save: add to LandmarkDatabaseBase: numObservations, numKeyframePoses, numLandmarks -
save: add to PatchesContainerBase: numPatches
Recover pattern case 24, 52, 50 -
Build with double -
Fix if (!keyframed && !marginalized && !present) BASALT_ASSERT(false) -
Decide miscelaneous things about behaviour of addMap, assignNewIds, do we want them generic or specific to save-loading? -
is it ok to leave lm.backup fields at zero? or do they have important info -
why linearized==true in PoseStateWithLin -
Try with fixation -
Debug why it bounces off
EDIT: I tidied the UI with subpanels:
Edited by Mateo de Mayo