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eglinfo: verbose mode improvement, eglut: libdecor improvement

He Haocheng requested to merge hch12907/mesa-demos:eglinfo-caveat into main
eglinfo: show more info regarding EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT in verbose mode
    EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT was treated as a boolean because of inheritance from
    older code

eglut/wsi/wayland: schedule a redraw on frame commit
    ...instead of immediately doing a buffer swap.
    This seems to eliminate the stutters that occur when you hover over the
    buttons in libdecor's decoration.

It seems that libdecor already does a buffer swap on its own, so we don't have to do it ourselves. I never noticed a problem with it because when the code was developed, libdecor-cairo was the only plugin available and it rarely called frame_commit(). Now I've tested with libdecor-gtk and that plugin commits every single moment you hovered on the window decoration... I got 100+ commits in a single second.

vkgears is unaffected because it never bufferswapped during a frame commit.

Edited by He Haocheng

Merge request reports
