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arb_clear_texture: Add test for the GL_CLEAR_TEXTURE flag

Tested on these drivers:

Nvidia (528.49) driver for Windows 11: Pass. Bugs: the driver can't recognize GL_COMPRESSED_RED, GL_COMPRESSED_RG, GL_COMPRESSED_RGB, GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA, GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB, GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA as compressed formats.

Intel ( driver for Windows 11: Pass. Bug: the driver can't recognize a dummy target.

AMD (31.0.12044.3) driver for Windows 11: Fail. AMD driver doesn't comply with the OpenGL spec: GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER is GL_FULL_SUPPORT; can't recognize any compressed formats. I believe the driver has a switch fallthrough for the GL_CLEAR_TEXTURE flag.

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