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initial suggestions for preferred dark color theme.

Max requested to merge BMaxV/xdg-specs:stylechanges into master

Hello everyone,

first real MR/PR. The red "validation" cross is because I don't have privileges to start jobs, which is fine by me. But someone should restart it as part of the MR/PR review. I'm only touching .css so I wouldn't know what there is to validate anyway.


I added some @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) rules for the css. I did this "manually" by taking one of the pages and changing / removing values until the result looked acceptable to me. So if I missed something, let me know.

While reading the css, I noticed that there are probably a lot of rules for css / content classes that don't really matter now and probably won't matter in the future. I think I read that Matthias Klumpp reused opensuse(?)'s css, which is a great start and a great improvement, but naturally it probably also copied rules that don't apply to the use case of the standard and a static (?) document.

So, there is some low hanging fruit for clean up. Which I could also do, in a more structured way, (searching for used classes in the documents and removing unused rules).

Merge request reports