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Add Diktor keyboard layout

kuroya requested to merge kuroya2mouse/xkeyboard-config-diktor:master into master

Diktor is the most popular alternative layout for Russian language. It's like Dvorak but for Russian.


There is no standard for the backslash button on Diktor layout. I have mapped / \ to this button instead \ / (like on JCUKEN) because it is MS-DOS legacy and it is not needed for Unix-like systems (xkeyboard-config is for Unix-like systems). On Pre-DOS soviet computers slash has mapped on this button -- (photo of BK001M).

Mirror of original webpage:

Part of articles about Diktor layout (almost in Russian):

You can find more if you search "Раскладка Диктор" in Google or Yandex.

Diktor software and online-services:

(The author talks about advantages of Diktor layout compared to standart JCUKEN layout):

"Finger loading by zones . The first digit is the zone number, in this case 1 is the little finger of the left hand, 2 is the ring finger of the left hand,... 8 is the little finger of the right hand. The number in parentheses, the number of keys in the zone. The last digit is the average number of clicks on this text for each key in the zone.

JCUKEN layout:

  • 1(6) 1881,33
  • 2(4) 2886,00
  • 3(4) 8941,25
  • 4(8) 11903,50
  • 5(8) 11712,50
  • 6(4) 6002,75
  • 7(4) 2829,00
  • 8(9) 3057,89

Diktor layout:

  • 1(6) 1659,83
  • 2(4) 6277,75
  • 3(4) 8567,50
  • 4(8) 9633,38
  • 5(8) 9063,38
  • 6(4) 8709,00
  • 7(4) 7286,25
  • 8(9) 3053,11

In the new layout, the load is evenly distributed over the main working fingers/zones (2,3,4,5,6,7), more or less freeing the index fingers, which are loaded most after the thumbs.

The load of the fingers along the "lines" of the keyboard. In this case, line 1 is the upper Digit row, etc.

JCUKEN layout:

  • line1 (13) 331,54
  • line2 (13) 6590,31
  • line3 (11) 11426,00
  • line4 (10) 9470,30

Diktor layout:

  • line1 (13) 276,15
  • line2 (13) 5477,69
  • line3 (11) 17487,45
  • line4 (10) 4321,10

In the Diktor layout, the main load falls on line 3, where the main position of the hands is located during touch typing. Printing turns out to be more convenient compared to "JCUKEN", you need to bend your fingers less.

Penalty points. A penalty is charged if two or more characters are pressed in a row in the same zone with one finger. The fewer points, the better.

JCUKEN layout:

  • sum 88550

Diktor layout:

  • sum 24832

It is believed that it is more convenient to type if you press the characters alternately with different fingers."

There you can find articles and software/online-services about diktor: diktor.txt

Edited by kuroya

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